Contact and Donations

If you'd like to make contact about my book, website, speaking requests or bulk buys for your ministry, please use the form below to send in your questions, comments and suggestions. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Many thanks,

JL Fuller - Author 'Romans 13 and Covid 19: Knowledge, Warnings and Encouragement for the Church and World'

Make a Donation

This ministry has been set up and maintained in faith and is entirely self-funded, relying on the Lord's provision via His saints. If you'd like to make a donation to support this ministry, website and book publication, you can do so below via my publisher, Etheal Publishing - gratefully received, thank you.

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My acclaimed best-selling book, 'Romans 13 and Covid 19: Knowledge, Warnings and Encouragement for the Church and World' has been described as a 'must-read for every Christian'. Do get yourself a copy for a truly thorough, well-researched and fact-checked appraisal of all things Covid and its wider context and a clear, Biblical roadmap for living faithfully and free in your walk with the Lord Jesus Christ at this time.